Check the local resources in the area where you are traveling to determine any particular health risks. In the Caribbean and Central America, be wary of mosquito-borne illnesses like Zika. In the African continent, Malaria is more prevalent. Prevention of both of these illnesses can be achieved by utilizing insect repellent containing at least 20% DEET. If you are sleeping in an outdoor environment, always use mosquito netting. There is also an increased risk of contracting hepatitis when traveling to these same areas, so if you have not yet been vaccinated for Hepatitis A and B, we strongly recommend doing so. Both of these vaccines are available at Lakes Urgent Care or through your primary care physician or local health department. Pay attention to the local news stations and weather forecasts during your visit, and avoid outdoor activities if severe weather conditions are expected. Additionally, cold and flu-carrying pathogens cover many surfaces such as desks, door handles, and phones. Keep yourself protected by washing your hands with soap and water often or carrying a hand sanitizer with you at all times.

Category: Travel-related Health Issues