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Slip & Fall Accidents
Falls account for over 8 million hospital emergency room visits each year, representing the leading cause of visits. If you have fallen, wait a moment and do a “self-assessment” rather than quickly getting up. Most bumps and bruises do not require medical attention. However, if pain from a fall persists beyond a few hours or you are unable to bear weight or move an upper extremity without pain, be sure to get evaluated by a physician. If the fall should cause a broken bone with skin disruption, get emergency care immediately. Most other sprains, strains or fractures can be safely treated by your primary care physician or at a certified urgent care. A certified urgent care can complete x-rays and initiate fracture care and casting, avoiding a visit to the emergency department.
Take small careful steps instead of large ones. When getting out of a vehicle, step, don’t jump. When possible, use handrails, handles – anything that will help keep your balance. Don’t carry large loads while walking on snow or ice. If you are carrying a load on an icy walk and feel yourself falling, toss your load to break the fall with your arms. While walking, retain stability by keeping your hands out of pockets.
Kids are always in a rush. It’s no surprise that running or walking quickly without proper footwear on a wet or slippery surface can cause a fall. Kids and adults should be sure to use caution upon exiting a vehicle. If need be, hold onto the vehicle for added support. When on a slippery surface, bend slightly forward and shorten your stride or shuffle your feet for better stability.
Slip and fall accidents are inevitable during winter months. Wearing footwear with grooved rubber soles will provide additional traction when conditions are slippery or icy. It is important to avoid rushing when you need to clear snow from your walkway or driveway. Make sure you have the correct type of tools for the job. A snow blower, wide shovel, plus salt or melting crystals help make a slippery surface safer to maneuver.
Urgent Care or Emergency Room?
Falls account for over 8 million hospital emergency room visits each year, representing the leading cause of visits. If you have fallen, wait a moment and do a “self-assessment” rather than quickly getting up. Most bumps and bruises do not require medical attention. However, if pain from a fall persists beyond a few hours or you are unable to bear weight or move an upper extremity without pain, be sure to get evaluated by a physician. If the fall should cause a broken bone with skin disruption, get emergency care immediately. Most other sprains, strains or fractures can be safely treated by your primary care physician or at a certified urgent care. A certified urgent care can complete x-rays and initiate fracture care and casting, avoiding a visit to the emergency department.