Lakes Urgent Care supports The Farmington Hills Police Department, in partnership with the Drug Enforcement Agency as they hold another drug take back day, Saturday, October 24th from 10am-2pm at Police Headquarters, 31655 West 11 Mile Rd., Farmington Hills

Residents of any city may participate in this drug take back day. All unwanted prescription drugs, and potentially dangerous drugs such as Oxycodone will be accepted anonymously. The DEA cannot accept any medication in liquid form. Everyone must wear a mask when entering Police Headquarters.

It’s important to responsibly get rid of any unwanted drugs in your home for two reasons:

Two-thirds of teens and young adults who report abuse of prescription medicine are getting it from friends, family and acquaintances, according to

Never flush drugs down the toilet. According to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, “studies have found that medicines flushed down the drain can contaminate our lakes and streams, which can hurt fish and other aquatic wildlife, and end up in our drinking water. . Flushing medications down a toilet or drain allows them to enter the wastewater treatment system. Unfortunately, many treatment systems are not designed to remove medications.”

Thank you, Farmington Hills Police Department for helping to keep our community safe! Links to additional information: