Welcome to the great mosquito invasion of 2021. Our dry spring, coupled with a very wet summer is the culprit. disease. Protect yourself from mosquitoes! Because they are so plentiful right now, and carry the risk of disease, Lakes Urgent Care Medical Director Dr. Sanford Vieder suggests you take an extra precaution. Wear long sleeves and long pants whenever you go outside, whenever possible. Apply a good quality insect repellent that contains at least 10 percent DEET to any unprotected area. Mosquitoes breed in standing water and puddles, so don’t let any water accumulate around your home. Click on the links for more information, treatment tips and different products to keep the buzzing and biting at bay.

How to treat mosquito bites/itching

Best bug sprays

Why mosquitoes are worse this summer in Michigan

Products that keep mosquitos away

Ask Dr. Vieder