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In many ways, gravity has some long-term negative effects on our bodies. A great way to overcome that is to include strength training in your weekly exercise routine. This combination is critical across the age spectrum from teens to senior citizens. Any physical activity has a positive influence on your overall health and it’s critical to have a balance between both aerobic and muscular strength training. Regular strength training has a positive influence on your muscles, bones and joints.
For those of you who may not have an active exercise routine, a first goal should be to simply reduce your amount of inactivity. New research supports that even a single episode of exercise has a significant beneficial effect on your brain activity. The greater the intensity of the workout, the more significant the positive impact on neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine and epinephrine, which are all naturally produced within our bodies. Scientists refer to these as endogenous opioids or “feel good” substances, which can lead to a true natural high!
Building muscle without the use of weights, also known as body weight training, can be very effective. Regardless of the equipment you use, the key is to place your muscles under tension by using resistance and progressive overload. The classic routine of body weight training includes squats, pull-ups, chin-ups, sit-ups and lunges. There are many interesting ways to expand on these basic principles and I encourage everyone to learn a little bit more about closed kinetic chain exercises (CKCE). Regardless of which method you ultimately choose, if you stick with a brief weekly routine, the benefits can be immense and help you maintain flexibility, alertness, prevent loss of bone minerals and maintain critical muscle mass.
Yoga can be an excellent way to reduce or eliminate the use of over-the-counter or prescription pain medicine to treat your back pain. A recent study indicates that those who suffered from chronic low back pain and participated in activities such as tai chi, yoga and massage had a significant reduction (greater than 50 %) in the dependence upon medication! Yoga offers more tangible benefits without increasing the risk of worsening the underlying condition or injury. If you never participated in yoga previously, be sure to attend a class with a certified instructor who will properly guide you with the appropriate poses and relaxation techniques so you’ll have a greater chance of success in reducing back pain.