The decision can sometimes be a little daunting, but a good rule of thumb is to trust your instincts. While cost and convenience are top of mind for many healthcare consumers these days, never compromise your health for these reasons alone. If you have had particular symptoms for several days or longer, chances are you could wait to see your primary care physician. Acute injuries, like sprains, strains, eye injuries, burns and cuts are best treated soon. If you are concerned about an acute infection and cannot be seen by your doctor within 24 hours, that would also be a great reason to be seen in a certified urgent care. If you are having a serious potentially life-threatening issue like chest pain, extreme difficulty breathing or any stroke-like symptoms, immediately call 911 or proceed to your closest ER. When your condition is urgent, but less serious, Lakes Urgent Care can save you time and money. Insurance co-pays can be much more expensive at a hospital ER. And you may wait for a long time in a hospital ER for minor health concerns. At Lakes Urgent Care, you’ll be seen quickly by a highly trained physician. And by visiting us, you’ll help keep the ER free to concentrate on more seriously ill patients.

Category: Urgent Care or Emergency Room?