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Exposure to different allergens or bacteria can help your immune system develop antibodies and other useful proteins that can aid in fighting infections in the future. There is also evidence to suggest that having pets in the home may help children develop antibodies slowly over time. There is certainly nothing wrong with children playing in the dirt outside, but this should always be followed by good sanitary habits including washing hands and exposed areas with soap and water. Cleaning up after play also helps prevent any significant infections from developing initially with contact.

Outdoor Summer Safety

For your health and safety, it is critical to clean your grill grates before you start cooking. The concern with wire brush cleaning tools is that the wire bristles can snap off, land in the grates and ultimately find their way into your food. There are hundreds of emergency department visits annually related to ingested wire bristles.

The good news is that there are many safer and just as effective alternatives to a wire brush. Consider using a grill cleaning stone or brick, a bristle free metal brush made of metal coil or even a nylon bristle brush. These are all safer alternatives. If you do want to stick with a wire brush, make sure that it is in good condition and always wipe down the grates or grill surface with a wet paper towel after using the wire brush.

There is nothing better than the aroma and taste of summer grilling! Unfortunately, there is now ample research indicating that cooking meats at high temperature with flames that cause excessive charring increases the presence of HCA’s and PHA’s which are the chemicals known to increase the risk of cancer. As with so many other things in our lives, moderation is the key.

Marinating meats for at least 30 minutes prior to grilling provides a protective mechanism that prevents these chemicals from developing. Cut back on grill time, reduce the heat being used and avoid direct flame to the foods being cooked. Before cooking, clean your grill thoroughly to remove carcinogenic residue that builds up over time. Processed meats such as hot dogs and sausages also have an increased risk associated with these potential carcinogens.

Consider swapping grilled meats for grilled vegetables and fruits, which do not carry the same risk. This will allow you to enjoy that Bar-B-Q charred taste because the previously mentioned chemicals develop only in muscle proteins.

With any type of head injury, if there has been a loss of consciousness or there is evidence that your athlete has confusion, nausea/ vomiting, visual disturbances or has a headache that will not resolve with a simple dose of Tylenol or Advil, they should be seen by a physician experienced with concussion evaluations. Depending upon the outcome of that evaluation, advanced imaging like a CT scan of the brain may be required.

With extremity injuries, a good role of thumb is if they cannot reliably bear weight on a lower extremity or use their upper extremity for simple tasks like opening a door or carrying a book, it is best to have a physician evaluate that injury and take diagnostic x-rays to rule out the possibility of a fracture.  Keep in mind that even though somebody may be able to move a joint, there may still be an underlying fracture and the only reliable method to determine this is with an x-ray and a physician evaluation.

Wearing a properly-fitted helmet, which has been approved with the ATSM label, is an excellent start. In addition to a proper fit on the head itself, make sure your kids understand that it’s critical to also wear the chin strap, so the helmet stays on their head! Beyond that, consider additional safety devices like properly-fitted wrist guards, elbow pads and kneepads. We frequently see severe elbow fractures as a result of skateboard falls, which can quickly ruin a child’s summer.

Exposure to different allergens or bacteria can help your immune system develop antibodies and other useful proteins that can aid in fighting infections in the future. There is also evidence to suggest that having pets in the home may help children develop antibodies slowly over time. There is certainly nothing wrong with children playing in the dirt outside, but this should always be followed by good sanitary habits including washing hands and exposed areas with soap and water. Cleaning up after play also helps prevent any significant infections from developing initially with contact.

The vast majority of insect bites do not require medical attention. It is common to have some localized redness and swelling immediately after a bite. However, if the bite site begins to appear infected, redness, swelling, severe pain or any fluid draining from the area, you should seek medical attention, as the infection may require antibiotic treatment. If the bug bite causes the individual any facial swelling, shortness of breath or trouble breathing, seek medical attention immediately.

There are simple measures you can take to help reduce your risk of exposure to bug bites. Wear long sleeves and long pants when planning evening outdoor activities. In addition, apply a good quality insect repellent that contains at least 10 percent DEET, and use preventive environmental products such as citronella candles and yard torches. Mosquitoes frequently breed in standing water and puddles so, be vigilant and don’t let water accumulate around your home.

To ensure that you get the maximum protection from your sunscreen product, apply sunscreen prior to going out in the sun. You generally need approximately 1 ounce (the equivalent of a shot glass) applied to the overexposed areas. Then follow the recommended reapplication guidelines mentioned previously above. Another important fact to know is that no sunscreen is truly waterproof. Some products are more resistant to coming off when exposed to water or sweat, but the best defense to ensure that your sunscreen does not come off your skin when exposed to the sun is frequent reapplication, particularly after swimming, to avoid any risk of unintended exposure.

As the old rhyme goes, “leaves of 3—let them be!” Poison ivy is a three-leafed very distinct appearing plant that generally grows in the midst of other shrubbery. It rarely grows independently.
The rash caused by poison ivy is from an oily resin found in the leaves, stem and roots. When this oil touches your skin, it often causes a very itchy and blistering rash. If you believe you have come in contact with this plant, immediately wash the area with soap and water. There are products available that are effective at specifically removing poison ivy oil. You can find them online or at camping/outdoor stores.

If you develop a rash, it can generally be safely treated at home with a topical hydrocortisone cream and an antihistamine like diphenhydramine for the itching. An oatmeal bath can also be very beneficial to help treat severe itching. If the rash is gets infected (generally from scratching the lesions), then you should seek medical care with your primary care physician or a certified urgent care center.

Most lawn equipment today comes with excellent safety features built-in. However, there is no substitute for reading the owners’ manual (yes gentlemen, you should do this!) and fully understanding how the equipment works. While lawn tools can be very effective in helping create a wonderful appearance in the yard, they can also be extremely dangerous. There’s no replacement for common sense along with these safety recommendations:

  1. Always wear closed toe shoes and work gloves to protect your hands and feet.
  2. If a device stops working properly and you believe that there may be something jamming a rotating blade or other moving part, always shut the device off and refer to the manual for troubleshooting. Do not risk injury by substituting your fingers for tools.
  3. Be aware that cutting devices can frequently launch unexpected materials, striking the operator, other people or pets and causing severe injury.

While choosing the best sunscreen is important, perhaps even more crucial is using it correctly — something a lot of us don’t do.

Sunscreen is best applied before going outdoors and before planned activity. Once outdoors, it is best to reapply sunscreen again following swimming or participating in an activity where you may sweat. Although some sunscreen products claim they remain effective after swimming, it is always best to reapply sunscreen after drying off. The FDA defines water-resistant sunscreen as meaning that the SPF level stays effective after 40 minutes in the water. Sunscreens are in no way waterproof, so you’ll need to reapply them regularly after you take a dip.

Don’t forget that wearing a hat and sun glasses with UV-A and UV-B type filtering and some type of clothing is always recommended which is more effective than just sunscreen alone. Enjoy the beautiful Michigan summers safely!

It is critical to choose a sunscreen with broad-spectrum or multi-spectrum protection for both UVA and UVB. Sunscreen products are rated by their “sun protection factor” (SPF). This rates how well the sunscreen protects against one type of cancer causing UV ray, ultraviolet B (UVB.) UVA rays do not cause the skin to burn, but do increase the risk of skin cancer and are largely responsible for the wrinkles associated with prolonged sun exposure.

For the vast majority of people, SPF 15 is fine. People who have very fair skin, a family history of skin cancer, or other conditions like Lupus that increase sensitivity to sunlight should consider SPF 30 or higher.

Keep in mind that the higher the SPF, the smaller the increased benefit: contrary to what you might think, SPF 30 isn’t twice as strong as SPF 15. While SPF 15 filters out 93% of UVB, SPF 30 filters out 97%. Generally, the cost of sunscreen products increases with the higher SPF rating.

The sensitive skin of babies and children is easily irritated by chemicals found in adult sunscreens, so avoid sunscreens with para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA),sulisobenzone, oxybenzone or dioxybenzone. Children’s sunscreens use ingredients less likely to irritate the skin, like titanium dioxide and zinc oxide.

Playground Safety

With any type of head injury, if there has been a loss of consciousness or there is evidence that your athlete has confusion, nausea/ vomiting, visual disturbances or has a headache that will not resolve with a simple dose of Tylenol or Advil, they should be seen by a physician experienced with concussion evaluations. Depending upon the outcome of that evaluation, advanced imaging like a CT scan of the brain may be required.

With extremity injuries, a good role of thumb is if they cannot reliably bear weight on a lower extremity or use their upper extremity for simple tasks like opening a door or carrying a book, it is best to have a physician evaluate that injury and take diagnostic x-rays to rule out the possibility of a fracture.  Keep in mind that even though somebody may be able to move a joint, there may still be an underlying fracture and the only reliable method to determine this is with an x-ray and a physician evaluation.

Sports Injuries

With any type of head injury, if there has been a loss of consciousness or there is evidence that your athlete has confusion, nausea/ vomiting, visual disturbances or has a headache that will not resolve with a simple dose of Tylenol or Advil, they should be seen by a physician experienced with concussion evaluations. Depending upon the outcome of that evaluation, advanced imaging like a CT scan of the brain may be required.

With extremity injuries, a good role of thumb is if they cannot reliably bear weight on a lower extremity or use their upper extremity for simple tasks like opening a door or carrying a book, it is best to have a physician evaluate that injury and take diagnostic x-rays to rule out the possibility of a fracture.  Keep in mind that even though somebody may be able to move a joint, there may still be an underlying fracture and the only reliable method to determine this is with an x-ray and a physician evaluation.


"This place was awesome! Phone etiquette was amazing and they accommodated me last minute. Once I was there the environment was clean, staff was really nice informative and even with everything going on with this pandemic they were very attentive and professional. Super helpful and even though I went just for testing the doctor made sure to stop in and answer any questions I had. I’d recommend this place for any urgent needs!"

Andrea - Google review

Lakes Urgent Care

Andrea - Google review

"This place was awesome! Phone etiquette was amazing and they accommodated me last minute. Once I was there the environment was clean, staff was really nice informative and even with everything going on with this pandemic they were very attentive and professional. Super helpful and even though I went just for testing the doctor made sure to stop in and answer any questions I had. I’d recommend this place for any urgent needs!"
"I needed to take my two boys in to be seen today and we just moved to the neighborhood so I googled the nearest urgent care and boy am I so glad I did because this is the BEST urgent care that I have ever been to!! They were super fast and got us seen right away. The nurse made my sons laugh and feel comfortable the whole time. The doctor was very thorough and really connected with my boys which calmed their nerves. They even gave my sons a prize for coming in! Thank you for being so kind and thorough in this fast paced world!! You guys are awesome!"

Deshon - Google review

Lakes Urgent Care

Deshon - Google review

"I needed to take my two boys in to be seen today and we just moved to the neighborhood so I googled the nearest urgent care and boy am I so glad I did because this is the BEST urgent care that I have ever been to!! They were super fast and got us seen right away. The nurse made my sons laugh and feel comfortable the whole time. The doctor was very thorough and really connected with my boys which calmed their nerves. They even gave my sons a prize for coming in! Thank you for being so kind and thorough in this fast paced world!! You guys are awesome!"
"They were incredibly fast to get us back and taken care of and super professional when I had questions. I can’t say enough good things! Thank you Lakes Urgent Care in Livonia for being so professional, quick and clean!! It’s worth the drive if you’re in Southeast Michigan. Definitely our urgent care of choice!!"

Whitney - Facebook review

Lakes Urgent Care

Whitney - Facebook review

"They were incredibly fast to get us back and taken care of and super professional when I had questions. I can’t say enough good things! Thank you Lakes Urgent Care in Livonia for being so professional, quick and clean!! It’s worth the drive if you’re in Southeast Michigan. Definitely our urgent care of choice!!"
"Needed care for my 93 yr old Father in Law during Covid pandemic. We were not infected but he needed a simple procedure. Their complete screening process before entering Clinic dispersed any worries we had. Everything went great. Huge effort to ensure everybody's health and safety. Well done."

Aaron - Facebook review

Lakes Urgent Care

Aaron - Facebook review

"Needed care for my 93 yr old Father in Law during Covid pandemic. We were not infected but he needed a simple procedure. Their complete screening process before entering Clinic dispersed any worries we had. Everything went great. Huge effort to ensure everybody's health and safety. Well done."
"My minor daughter, my elderly mom and myself went here this morning @ 10am and from the intake worker to the nursing staff and Doctors we have never been treated so kindly at any other ER. Very friendly, compassionate staff. They even let all three of us go into one exam room and treat all of us as a family unit! We all three highly recommended Lakes Urgent Care!"

Kimberly - Facebook review

Lakes Urgent Care

Kimberly - Facebook review

"My minor daughter, my elderly mom and myself went here this morning @ 10am and from the intake worker to the nursing staff and Doctors we have never been treated so kindly at any other ER. Very friendly, compassionate staff. They even let all three of us go into one exam room and treat all of us as a family unit! We all three highly recommended Lakes Urgent Care!"
"I woke up Sunday with severe vertigo. After calling my PCP I decided I couldn't wait and went to Lakes Urgent Care Livonia. They got me in quickly, did a thorough exam and sent in a prescription to my pharmacy. The doctor explained everything to me in a manner I could understand. I have complete confidence in the doctor. Also, I felt safe (coronavirus) and everyone was pleasant and helpful. Additionally, the doctor made a follow up phone call to check on me! I'm happy to say the medicine prescribed is working great!"

Cindy - Google review

Lakes Urgent Care

Cindy - Google review

"I woke up Sunday with severe vertigo. After calling my PCP I decided I couldn't wait and went to Lakes Urgent Care Livonia. They got me in quickly, did a thorough exam and sent in a prescription to my pharmacy. The doctor explained everything to me in a manner I could understand. I have complete confidence in the doctor. Also, I felt safe (coronavirus) and everyone was pleasant and helpful. Additionally, the doctor made a follow up phone call to check on me! I'm happy to say the medicine prescribed is working great!"
"Super clean, they take your temperature before you walk in. I saw the staff clean everything after every patient. The staff and doctor were so great today! Thank you for servicing our community! Highly recommended!"

Stephanie - Facebook review

Lakes Urgent Care

Stephanie - Facebook review

"Super clean, they take your temperature before you walk in. I saw the staff clean everything after every patient. The staff and doctor were so great today! Thank you for servicing our community! Highly recommended!"
Lakes Urgent Care