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Outdoor Summer Safety
With any type of head injury, if there has been a loss of consciousness or there is evidence that your athlete has confusion, nausea/ vomiting, visual disturbances or has a headache that will not resolve with a simple dose of Tylenol or Advil, they should be seen by a physician experienced with concussion evaluations. Depending upon the outcome of that evaluation, advanced imaging like a CT scan of the brain may be required.
With extremity injuries, a good role of thumb is if they cannot reliably bear weight on a lower extremity or use their upper extremity for simple tasks like opening a door or carrying a book, it is best to have a physician evaluate that injury and take diagnostic x-rays to rule out the possibility of a fracture. Keep in mind that even though somebody may be able to move a joint, there may still be an underlying fracture and the only reliable method to determine this is with an x-ray and a physician evaluation.
Playground Safety
With any type of head injury, if there has been a loss of consciousness or there is evidence that your athlete has confusion, nausea/ vomiting, visual disturbances or has a headache that will not resolve with a simple dose of Tylenol or Advil, they should be seen by a physician experienced with concussion evaluations. Depending upon the outcome of that evaluation, advanced imaging like a CT scan of the brain may be required.
With extremity injuries, a good role of thumb is if they cannot reliably bear weight on a lower extremity or use their upper extremity for simple tasks like opening a door or carrying a book, it is best to have a physician evaluate that injury and take diagnostic x-rays to rule out the possibility of a fracture. Keep in mind that even though somebody may be able to move a joint, there may still be an underlying fracture and the only reliable method to determine this is with an x-ray and a physician evaluation.
Winter is not only hard on our bodies, but also takes a toll on playground equipment. As children begin to move outdoors, check playground equipment for things like worn or rusted bolts, cracked plastic parts or exposed splinters of wood. Make sure that any moving parts have been properly lubricated. It is critical to install some sort of padding or landing zone beneath swings, slides or monkey bars. Ideally, shredded rubber is best, but woodchips, mulch or pea gravel can also serve as adequate padding for falls occurring beneath or around the equipment. Experts generally recommend a depth of at least six to nine inches of these substances in areas where children are likely to fall or hit the ground.
If your child falls and has an obvious deformity to a limb, is unconscious or complains of severe head or neck pain, do not move them. Call 911 for help. It’s very common for kids to fall on their outstretched hand trying to protect themselves, causing a fracture involving the elbow. This type of injury requires a trip to the operating room for treatment. Most other injuries, ranging from a sprain to a moderate to severe cut, can be safely treated in a certified urgent care, saving you time and money.
Adult supervision is always advised so that you can keep an eye out for potential hazards and be the referee if play gets a little out of hand. Make sure that your child is using age-appropriate equipment. Preschoolers (ages 2 – 5) and school-age children (ages 5 – 12) are developmentally different and should use equipment (hopefully in separate areas) designed for their age group to help ensure a good (and a safe) experience.
The majority of playground injuries are related to children falling to the ground from slides, swings, monkey bars and other equipment. Wood fiber or mulch, pea gravel, sand, poured-in-place rubber, rubber mats or rubber tiles are safer playground surfaces, while concrete, asphalt, black top, and packed dirt or rocks are much more hazardous.
Make sure the equipment, including home play structures, are anchored safely in the ground. You can also do a quick check to see if all equipment pieces are in good working order, S-hooks are entirely closed, bolts are not protruding, and there are no exposed footings. Equipment should be free of rust, splinters, and missing parts.
Strings on clothing, long necklaces, or ropes used for play can cause accidental strangulation if caught on equipment. Ropes used as part of playground equipment should be secured on both ends.
Check for hot surfaces on all playground equipment before your child starts to play on it. If shade structures do not protect the equipment from the sun, the surface can become extremely hot and can even cause burns on the skin. And never let your child go barefoot or wear open toe shoes.
Encourage the use of UVA and UVB protective clothing and sunglasses, suggest playing in shaded areas, and, of course, always use sunscreen. A heat index at or above 90˚F may pose a health risk. Always keep your child well hydrated.
Sports Injuries
With any type of head injury, if there has been a loss of consciousness or there is evidence that your athlete has confusion, nausea/ vomiting, visual disturbances or has a headache that will not resolve with a simple dose of Tylenol or Advil, they should be seen by a physician experienced with concussion evaluations. Depending upon the outcome of that evaluation, advanced imaging like a CT scan of the brain may be required.
With extremity injuries, a good role of thumb is if they cannot reliably bear weight on a lower extremity or use their upper extremity for simple tasks like opening a door or carrying a book, it is best to have a physician evaluate that injury and take diagnostic x-rays to rule out the possibility of a fracture. Keep in mind that even though somebody may be able to move a joint, there may still be an underlying fracture and the only reliable method to determine this is with an x-ray and a physician evaluation.