Toro snow thrower product recall

Toro snow thrower product recall

If you own a Toro Power Max Snowthrower model 37802 (sold nationwide at Home Depot and other stores) stop using it immediately. It is being recalled for a major defect, described by the Consumer Product Safety Commission as an “amputation hazard.” When disengaging the mechanism that controls it, the snow auger can remain in motion, which is extremely dangerous. If you’ve been giving your snow blowers a workout this week, please follow all the safety guidelines in your owner’s manual. Snow blowers are a great tool, but they can be dangerous and cause serious injury if not used with care. Click on our link for details on the Toro recall.

Farmington Hills PD Drug Take Back Day October 24, 2020

Lakes Urgent Care supports The Farmington Hills Police Department, in partnership with the Drug Enforcement Agency as they hold another drug take back day, Saturday, October 24th from 10am-2pm at Police Headquarters, 31655 West 11 Mile Rd., Farmington Hills

Residents of any city may participate in this drug take back day. All unwanted prescription drugs, and potentially dangerous drugs such as Oxycodone will be accepted anonymously. The DEA cannot accept any medication in liquid form. Everyone must wear a mask when entering Police Headquarters.

It’s important to responsibly get rid of any unwanted drugs in your home for two reasons:

Two-thirds of teens and young adults who report abuse of prescription medicine are getting it from friends, family and acquaintances, according to

Never flush drugs down the toilet. According to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, “studies have found that medicines flushed down the drain can contaminate our lakes and streams, which can hurt fish and other aquatic wildlife, and end up in our drinking water. . Flushing medications down a toilet or drain allows them to enter the wastewater treatment system. Unfortunately, many treatment systems are not designed to remove medications.”

Thank you, Farmington Hills Police Department for helping to keep our community safe! Links to additional information:

Chainsaw safety tips

Lakes Urgent Care’s Dr. Turk successfully treated a young man who came to our office recently with a hand laceration and tendon injury caused by a chainsaw. We coordinated follow up treatment with hand surgical specialist, Dr. Kushner and we expect the patient to recover completely. If you are using a chain saw this fall clean up season, remember to always wear protective gear: hearing protection, goggles, boots, hard hat, chaps and gloves. And click on this link for safety measures you should take before using this very dangerous power tool:


Blueberries – a real super food for good health

Blueberries – a real super food for good health

We love blueberries. They’re a tasty, low calorie fruit you can purchase fresh (or frozen) all year long. Did you know that they’re also really good for you? Of all the fruits you can eat, blueberries have one of the highest levels of antioxidants. Antioxidants fight free radicals, the compounds in your body that can cause harm if levels become too high. They also help reduce (bad) LDL cholesterol, they may help lower your blood pressure and they help prevent heart disease. Blueberries can help you maintain healthy brain function and lower your risk of diabetes. They help fight urinary tract infections. Blueberries are good for your heart and can even help your body recover faster from exercise. No matter how you eat them, blueberries are a super food you should eat regularly to keep you and your family healthy and happy!

How to socialize safely during this COVID Fourth of July

How to socialize safely during this COVID Fourth of July

“By far, your safest way to experience Fourth of July 2020 is to remain with the same squad you’ve been with since the shelter in place order began” says Lakes Urgent Care medical director Dr. Sanford Vieder. “But if you are meeting with family and friends for the first time in several months, here are key tips to keep yourself and your family safe:

Do as much socializing as possible OUTSIDE because if present, the COVID-19 virus dissipates into the environment more quickly outdoors.

LIMIT THE SIZE of your group so that the outside area permits safe social distancing. Think about the outdoor space for your party and then how many people can safely attend.

If socializing indoors, always WEAR A MASK. This is to protect you and your guests.

Consider bringing your own food, beverages and disposable plates, cups, etc. This can reduce your risk.

Bring hand sanitizer and tissues for your pocket. It’s helpful if everyone has a tissue in their pocket, just in case.

Wash your hands often and/or use hand sanitizer often.

If possible, don’t use the restroom.

Help the host wipe down all “high touch” areas with disinfectant wipes.

And of course, if you or anyone in your family has COVID-19 symptoms, please STAY HOME!

Lakes Urgent Care (W. Bloomfield /Livonia) will be open 9am-6pm on Saturday, July 4th in case you need us.

Dr. Sanford Vieder discusses new medical safety protocols on West Bloomfield cable show

Dr. Sanford Vieder discusses new medical safety protocols on West Bloomfield cable show

Lakes Urgent Care medical director Dr. Sanford Vieder was a featured guest on The Megacast, West Bloomfield’s Civic Center community show. Dr. Vieder talks about what Lakes Urgent Care and hospitals are doing to provide safe screening processes that keep patients who might be exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms isolated from patients who are not exhibiting symptoms but need medical attention. Thanks to show host Dave Scott and the staff at Megacast for including Dr. Vieder on the program.

Lakes Urgent Care is OPEN to serve you and your family

Lakes Urgent Care is OPEN to serve you and your family

If you or a family member needs medical attention, we are here for you. Visit our website for information on how we’ve created a “clean” and safe environment so that we can help with any non-COVID-19 symptoms. Thanks to our patients for the positive comments on our Facebook page about how we made them feel safe and secure. We also appreciate this article in the Farmington Voice: